Downloadable Resources

Here you will find free downloadable resources for our partners. You can filter them by category using the sub-navigation links on the side.

As new resources are developed we will add them to this area of the site, so please check back to make sure you don’t miss anything. You can also follow our twitter account (@FitForMeLpool) to ensure you are kept up to date.

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Active at Home

Active at Home booklet providing useful tips and resources for how to be active in and around the home with a health condition.


We Are Undefeatable

We Are Undefeatable resource card providing information for how to be active with a health condition.


Easy Read - Active at Home Booklet

Easy Read - Active at Home booklet providing useful tips and resources for how to be active in and around the home with a health condition


Liverpool Active Workplaces Toolkit

The Toolkit has been developed as part of the Liverpool Active Workplace Programme, which ran throughout 2021 as part of the Liverpool Active City Strategy programme – it provided support to employers to encourage their staff to improve their physical activity levels.
