Activity finder suggestions for getting started

Our suggestions to help get you started...

1. Have your questions answered

Where do I go?  What should I wear?  Will I get left behind? Sometimes, its these things that stop us trying something new.  We've tackled these tricky questions for you in our section on What is being active? - including Where do I start? and Whats stopping you?

If you've got specific questions about the activity you're thinking of doing, there is usually a phone number or email address for more information.

2. Ask someone who's already started for their tips

Do you know someone who has taken the step to get more active recently?  It can be useful to ask someone who has made this step for their top tips. It might be a friend or family member, a work colleague or neighbour. 

Some of our Ambassador's have faced the same dilemma too.  You can read their stories about how they found the right fit for them here.

Even if you've got a Long Term Condition like Asthma, a heart condition or joint issues, you can still benefit from getting active - see our section on Everyone can join in for how to get active safely.

3. Get going with a friend

If you've not been before or are feeling nervous about stepping into a new class, why not ask a friend or family member to go with you?  Getting active can often be more fun that way.

They could even call the class or session for you to find out the details in advance.


Please note, information accessed via the Fit For Me Activity Finder is provided by the Live Well directory and is used in accordance with the Live Well Directory Terms and Conditions. 

Please see Live Well Directory Terms and Conditions of Use for further information.